“Be the best version of yourself”. An advice that we’ve heard over and over again. It may mean different things for different people, but one thing is for sure—health plays a big role in it. So, how do we achieve this version of ourselves? Let’s get moving!
Discover the secrets to slowing down aging! Adopt healthier habits, from starting small and staying motivated, to eating right, exercising regularly, ensuring adequate rest, and maintaining a positive mindset. Get inspired to take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle for a more vibrant and youthful you.

Time is gold, but adopting healthier habits is even more valuable. Put those two together and you have the answer to when you should start doing it—today! Getting started on healthy living isn’t as drastic as you may think. Think of it this way. Used to eating two cups of rice every mealtime? Try cutting it down to one. Looking for dessert? Try a spoon of ice cream instead of a scoop.
This math is not just about subtracting, you can also slowly add good habits here and there. Replacing that cup of rice with fruits and vegetables is one example, or drinking more water for every sugary drink you have. The secret to motivation is gathering all these small wins to build up your confidence. Soon enough, these small actions become big, life-improving habits that’ll last you a lifetime!
Motivation starts the engine, but dedication keeps you going. Identifying your reasons for adopting a healthier lifestyle is good for helping you zone in on what motivates, and will motivate, you. Whether it’s improving energy levels, reducing the risk of certain conditions, or simply fitting into your clothes better, nailing down the reasons will help you do whatever it takes to reach your realistic goals.
In the days when motivation isn’t as strong as when you started, dedication comes in handy. Simply put, it’s having the discipline to stick with your routine. Aside from remembering your reason for starting, other people, either friends or through online fitness content, can help you stay dedicated in reaching your goals.
Even the best engines in the world can’t work without fuel—the same goes for your body, especially during a season of implementing healthier changes. Whenever possible, whole foods are the best fuel to load up on. These are your fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.
These provide essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that’ll energize and help your body recover. Partner that with staying hydrated and avoiding overeating sugary and salty snacks, and you’ll feel years younger!
Sometimes, you just have to get up and go! Regular exercise is a great tool for staying fit and feeling young. Ideally, combine cardiovascular exercises with strength training and flexibility or mobility routines. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activities, or 75 minutes of intense workouts per week. Strength training twice a week maintains your muscle mass and density. Besides physical benefits, regular exercise also boosts your metabolism and cognitive function.
Don’t know where to start? Aiming to walk 5,000 steps per day is a good habit to get you moving. Once that’s easy for you, move on up to 10,000 daily steps.
When we were kids, napping was not our favorite thing to do. Now that we’re all grown up, it couldn’t come sooner—and for good reason. Adequate rest, along with stress management, are important in leading a healthy lifestyle. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night or sneak naps within the day to give your body enough time to repair and rejuvenate. Adding some stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or having hobbies that help you unwind does wonders for our physical and mental wellbeing. Slowing down regularly ensures that we can go far in a stable state, not worn down and burnt out.
To meet your goal, you have to surround yourself with cheerleaders. Whether it’s through nurturing social connections, maintaining strong relationships with loved ones, seeking emotional support when needed, or having our positive internal monologues, knowing and believing that we can do it is already half the battle.
Now for the other half, go out there and get moving!
1. World Health Organization: WHO. (2022, October 5). Physical activity. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity